September 17, 2007

For Biol 100, we were assigned to watch a sunset
and describe our feelings towards it. Here is a picture of the sunset i watched Thursday evening. It was very cloudy and did not expect to really see the sun, but at those last moments when the sun is just about ready to make the final descent, its glory and brilliance burst through the clouds and shined down on the city below, one last victory before the mountain takes the sky again. No flashes of color like the sunsets back home, but it portrayed a sense of peace after a busy day in the blaze of heat.

The dying day attracted three deer though only two are seen here. Stephanie and I saw them in the bushes while sitting on a bench writing about the sunset. When they realized that we had spotted them they turned and walked down the hill, that is when I followed them (I took the stairs though not the bushes, you should have seen the huge nasty spider that lived in them) and that is when i took this picture.
Everybody around cried sounds of astonishment and whipped out their phones and started taking pictures, whereas i was like ehhh, seen them before, practically lived with them.

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